This page briefly outlines how to insert audio to articles on the Wessex Scene and the Edge websites.
Inserting audio is actually a very simple process:
- Find an mp3 file online e.g.
- Scroll down to the ‘Podcasting’ box in the bottom and paste the URL into the ‘File URL box’
- Click ‘Add’ on the right
- Fill in any necessary information and then click ‘Send to Editor’
- A line of code starting ‘podcast’ will appear in the writing box – this is the audio file
Once you’ve done this, follow the 6 step guide as normal to create the article!
Important things to note:
- The ‘featured image’ is not shown on the audio articles, only on the homepage, category pages etc
- This is because it would push the audio down and leave ugly white space
- This method is for MP3 files, but you can also use embed codes from websites such as Soundcloud by pasting the code using the ‘HTML’ tab
- Don’t use MP3 files that we don’t have permission to use (embeds are fine though)