It’s A level results day!
Hear about all things results, how to do clearing, as well as a big congratulations from Wessex Scene.
→Hear about all things results, how to do clearing, as well as a big congratulations from Wessex Scene.
→Labour’s Landslide? Labour have won the 2024 General Election, and it was a landslide. With→
Hamish brings you up to date with the first announcement of the General Election night!
→The general election campaigns have come to a close. Thursday 4th of July beckons. Politicians→
VP Deputy Editor Hamish McLay interviews Darren Paffey, the Labour Party’s candidate in the Southampton Itchen constituency in the general election on the 4th July.
→Hamish McLay explains the UK’s voting system.
→James Sharp gives you all the key times for Thursday’s Election
→You may have heard many people mention ‘tactical voting’, which has become a particularly prominent→
Sam Pegg explains auroras, the rarity of them occurring in Southampton, and a brand-new multi-discipline module exploring astronomy
→A brief overview of PSN:UoS’ open letter and how you, as a student, can help.