University Passes Sustainability Audit


The University of Southampton has completed an audit of its Environmental Management System (EMS), which explores adherence to its environmental performance targets.

The results of the annual report mean that the institution will retain its ISO14001 certification, the internationally recognised standard for an effective EMS. This comes despite reaching a position of just 46th in the Times Higher Education UK sustainable cities and communities measure, which looks at ‘universities’ research on sustainability, their role as custodians of arts and heritage and their internal approaches to sustainability‘.

Environment & Sustainability Manager Nicola Turvey commented on the results, saying:

This is an excellent result for the University. The auditor also praised the cross-departmental communication which is very good because it’s this transparency which is so important when it comes to environmental improvements. It demonstrates how people are talking to each and learning through best practice.

The annual audit is designed to help higher education facilities as they can be used to support research grant applications.

The University’s full sustainability strategy can be found on its website, here.


English student, lifestyle writer.

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