Hampshire Police Support Home Office Campaign Against Domestic Abuse


Content Warning: Domestic abuse and violence. 

Hampshire Police have shared their support for the UK Home Office’s campaign against domestic abuse in a video on Twitter. 

In a video posted earlier this month, Assistant Chief Constable, Scott Chilton, acknowledged that staying indoors during the coronavirus lockdown period can be tough for some, particularly those living in homes ‘where tensions are rising, where they may be suffering domestic abuse.’

He goes on to stress that it is ‘crucial‘ that those suffering contact Hampshire Police, and those in emergencies should dial treble nine; if not in a position to speak, callers should press 55, ‘and our controllers will know exactly what to do.’

The video is currently pinned at the top of Hampshire Police’s Twitter page, and is accompanied by the hashtag #YouAreNotAlone. It follows the launch of a campaign by Home Secretary Priti Patel, which aims to highlight that if anyone is at risk of or experiencing domestic abuse, help is still available.

Those suffering from domestic abuse should be aware that they can call the National Domestic Abuse Helpline 24 hours a day at 0808 2000 247.


English student, lifestyle writer.

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