University of Southampton Launches MATHS=E+D+I Art Competition


The School of Mathematical Sciences at the University has launched the Maths = E + D + I Competition, beckoning all students and staff to illustrate the themes of Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity as related to mathematics. Any art form is suitable, but all submissions must be in the form of an image. Entries must be submitted by Monday 26th April. The winners will be announced on May 12th, with 1st, 2nd and 3rd places earning £200, £100 and £50 cash prizes respectively.

From the Background of the event:

The purpose of this art competition is to remind us all that mathematics is open to everyone and that nobody should think that mathematics is not for them because of who they are, rather than what they like. The School of Mathematical Sciences is looking at new ways to represent mathematics, from the point of view of Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity, in posters displayed in the Mathematical Sciences buildings for the interest and enjoyment of our students, staff and visitors.

Beyond judging, selected artwork will be displayed. Potential art forms cited in the announcement include dance, textiles, calligraphy and even textual entries, but these will remain judged ‘on their visual appeal.’ Read more about the competition and how to enter in the original announcement on SUSSED News.


Third-year Electronic Engineering student, em dash conservationist. Sometimes, I write. If you write for Wessex, there's a 1-in-3 chance I'll edit it.

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