Society Spotlight: Southampton University Windsurfing Society


Southampton University Windsurfing Society (SUWC) is back again this year. They’re rebranding with a new look and have lots of new plans to get freshers ripping on the water.

Joining your university windsurfing society is possibly the cheapest way you will ever have access to the coaching and kit needed to enjoy this fantastic sport. The SUWC committee is packed with experienced coaches meaning support can be provided across abilities, with room for progression. Newbies will have regular opportunities for improvement, intermediates will be pimped out with all the kit they need to tear up the waves, and experts can enjoy access to a range of disciplines. Under the helm of the boundlessly enthusiastic president Oliver Bull, hugely committment to growing the sport, the success of this society can’t help but continue.

Learning to windsurf is great fun; as soon as you get up and going, especially planing, that addictive rush of adrenaline will kick in. As we pile on down to the beautiful Southampton waterfront for a Wednesday afternoon session, you will truly realise how windsurfing allows you to experience Southampton from a different perspective. It will also take you all over the country to some stunning (and of course windy) spots.

In previous years SUWC has had the most members of all student windsurfing societies across the UK, consistently making clean sweeps of the top places at inter-university competitions. Last year, on top of winning the team racing event, Southampton bagged the whole podium in the freestyle series and 3rd in the individual racing series.
The SWA, (Student Windsurfing Association) which unites all windsurfing societies, is one of the most active of all inter-university sports bodies and the fastest growing windsurfing association in the UK windsurfing community. Their events kick off with the infamous ‘Aussie Kiss’ weekend, which combines a big-ol’ party with a sick weekend of windsurfing.

As with all windsurfers, the SUWC family are a very chilled out and friendly bunch of people, who know how to throw a legendary punch party. It has been known in the past for members to join just for access to the mad fortnightly socials and to hang out with everyone.

Whether you want the snazzy new stash, a wild night out or to get shredding out on the water, joining SUWC will be the best decision you make this year.

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  3. Society Spotlight: Southampton University Windsurfing Society
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  6. Society Spotlight: Sexual Consent Awareness Southampton
  7. Society Spotlight: The Southampton University Human Powered Submarine Society
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