My Best Friend Yoghurt and Other Tales from The Fridge
Emily Dennis wrote a poem about the contents of her fridge…
→Emily Dennis wrote a poem about the contents of her fridge…
→For those who are worried, let this be some reassurance to not be.
→Editor Emily Dennis discusses her choice to come to Southampton.
→Are you still fresh? Former Editor Emily Dennis sets the record straight!
→Stirring, heartbreaking, but utterly beautiful; Emily Dennis ‘A Farewell’ captures a final goodbye with perfect simplicity.
→Wessex Scene asked some third-year students about their favourite (or least favourite) module – use→
Get the low down from the 2022-2023 sabbs!
→Today (Wednesday 20th July) marked the start of the University of Southampton’s three-day super graduation,→
Who are this year’s winners?
→Election updates as it happens.